Sober living

Substance Use Disorder SUD: Symptoms & Treatment

Substance abuse counselors help people experiencing substance use and drug addiction problems. They provide treatment and support for people trying to overcome substance use disorders or addictions. Someone with a mental health problem and substance use disorder must treat both issues. Treatment for both mental health problems and substance use disorders may include rehabilitation, medications, …

Substance Use Disorder SUD: Symptoms & Treatment قراءة المزيد »

The five most addictive substances on Earth and what they do to your brain

Although personal events and cultural factors affect drug use trends, when young people view drug use as harmful, they tend to decrease their drug taking. Therefore, education and outreach are key in helping people understand the possible risks of drug use. Teachers, parents, and health care providers have why is alcohol addictive crucial roles in …

The five most addictive substances on Earth and what they do to your brain قراءة المزيد »

Substance Use Disorder, Intravenous Injection, and HIV Infection: AReview PMC

If there is no effective decontamination step (e.g., multiple rinses with a bleach solution), the use or reuse of a common rinse water supply can be a source of contamination. They may replace the plunger with a bulb, like those from an eyedropper or baby pacifier. On the other hand, injected drugs only need to …

Substance Use Disorder, Intravenous Injection, and HIV Infection: AReview PMC قراءة المزيد »

Tips for Celebrating the Holidays with Recovering Family Members and Friends

Know your signs of potential relapse and take steps to address them. If they don’t want any special steps taken to accommodate them, and both you and they are comfortable with them taking part this time, then simply go ahead. Just because this year is tough doesn’t mean every year is going to be …

Tips for Celebrating the Holidays with Recovering Family Members and Friends قراءة المزيد »

What Is Alcoholism? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

The Cleveland addiction treatment center Stella Maris saw many people who were in recovery for alcohol use disorder relapse due to the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic. Increased drinking during the pandemic is expected to lead to increased rates of cancer in about 10 years. With the support of a doctor, people can develop a …

What Is Alcoholism? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention قراءة المزيد »

Crack Cocaine Addiction Signs, Effects, & Treatment

Once mixed and heated, the bicarbonate reacts with the hydrochloride of the powder cocaine, forming free base cocaine and carbonic acid (H2CO3) in a reversible acid-base reaction. alcohol and bipolar disorder The heating accelerates the degradation of carbonic acid into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water. Loss of CO2 prevents the reaction from reversing back to …

Crack Cocaine Addiction Signs, Effects, & Treatment قراءة المزيد »

Common questions about apixaban

AddictionResource aims to present the most accurate, trustworthy, and up-to-date medical content to our readers. Our team does their best for our readers to help them stay informed about vital healthcare decisions. Alcohol can thin the blood for several hours after consumption, with effects varying based on individual metabolism, alcohol drinking alcohol on blood thinners …

Common questions about apixaban قراءة المزيد »

Understanding the Five Types of Alcoholics Get Help For Alcohol Addiction

The young adult alcoholic may not seek help for their problematic drinking, as drinking to excess at this age is often considered “normal” and part of a phase of life. Family members and adults may assume that the young adult will then “grow out of it” and do not see the drinking as a potential …

Understanding the Five Types of Alcoholics Get Help For Alcohol Addiction قراءة المزيد »

Combination of alcohol and glucose consumption as a risk to induce reactive hypoglycemia PMC

Alcohol hypoglycemia has been reproduced by sustained (8-h) administration of ethanol, with blood levels up to 97 mmol/l (19). The effect is more potent after 2–3 days of fasting and potentially lethal in patients with chronic alcoholism who are treated with insulin (20). However, in circumstances in which gluconeogenesis is not critical to maintaining blood …

Combination of alcohol and glucose consumption as a risk to induce reactive hypoglycemia PMC قراءة المزيد »

Alcoholic in Denial: Identifying Hidden Struggles and Supporting Recovery

Out of love and concern, family and friends may often unintentionally enable or make excuses for their loved one’s drinking behavior. Recent studies suggest that the same areas of the brain affected by addiction may be responsible for self-awareness. This means that individuals with alcohol use disorder might struggle to fully comprehend and confront the …

Alcoholic in Denial: Identifying Hidden Struggles and Supporting Recovery قراءة المزيد »