Tips for Celebrating the Holidays with Recovering Family Members and Friends

reframing holidays in early recovery

Know your signs of potential relapse and take steps to address them. If they don’t want any special steps taken to accommodate them, and both you and they are comfortable with them taking part this time, then simply go ahead. Just because this year is tough doesn’t mean every year is going to be tough.

What Is a 90-Day Rehab Program?

reframing holidays in early recovery

You cannot go through life comparing your recovery with someone else’s. If you struggle to get past the first few days and see someone who has just celebrated a year in recovery, do not be mad at where you are. Have a plan for the holiday, including mutual aid meetings and calls to those central to your recovery.

reframing holidays in early recovery

Ask Robin: Tracking Time

reframing holidays in early recovery

90-day rehabilitation centers can provide you with a solid foundation for recovery. Treatment doesn’t have to be expensive; to better understand if your insurance will cover most or all of the treatment, check your insurance coverage today. Another way to best deal with this is by not allowing yourself to fall into the negativity of life.

  • To use this dropdown – go to the Advanced tab and give it a unique ID that contains the exact ID of the menu item that triggers this menu + ‘dropdown’.
  • If you or a loved one is struggling with drugs or alcohol, call Recovery Centers of America at RECOVERY.
  • Well, during the holidays, we’ll be surrounded by these opportunities!
  • Consider celebrating a difficult holiday by marking something off your “bucket list,” doing some needed self-care or volunteering to help others.
  • Peer-based services offer non-clinical drug-free environments for recreation, skill-building, and recovery supports in the form of emotional, informational, instrumental (concrete) support and positive affiliation.

Understanding Additional Triggers During the Holidays

If you will be serving alcohol, check to see if your invitee is comfortable with that. Note, even if you’re willing to host an alcohol-free holiday event, your family member or friend might not be comfortable attending if alcohol is not served simply because he or she is present. It’s important to know that the holidays don’t have to feel like a celebration. You can give yourself permission to simply be where you are emotionally. Give yourself a break by letting go of the need to meet the expectations of others.

reframing holidays in early recovery

One of the most valuable sections of a relapse prevention plan requires an individual to identify potential triggers. As mentioned previously, the holidays can surface unique triggers for individuals in early recovery. While individuals cannot possibly prepare for every trigger they will encounter throughout the holidays, it can help to reflect reframing holidays in early recovery and identify potential triggers ahead of time. The holidays can magnify feelings of loneliness, strained finances, or difficult family relationships, all of which could lead to feelings of wanting to drink or use drugs. Travel can also throw some off from their normal routine, especially if they regularly go to recovery support group meetings.

  • A 90-day rehab program offers intensive care to patients who are struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol.
  • It could have been when your binge drinking nearly killed you.
  • Filling your days with meaningful, rewarding activities that involve being around other people will help you avoid both.

However, one thing that all triggers have in common is that they trigger emotional distress, which can lead to an emotional relapse. You may want to attend your own meeting to stay connected with other families with similar experiences. It will help to be around people who understand what you’re going through.

IOP Therapy: Is It Really Worth It?

reframing holidays in early recovery

  • However, we can make intentional decisions to support our community members in recovery as we navigate the holiday season.
  • SMART Recovery Family & Friends helps those who are affected by substance abuse, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, or other addictions of a loved one.
  • Any general advice posted on our blog, website, or app is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace or substitute for any medical or other advice.
  • Typically a counselor will work with you to identify your triggers and scenarios where you might use them.
  • At the time, I didn’t deserve anything except for another sober day.
  • Finally, we frequently update old content to reflect the most up-to-date information.
  • Another way is that individuals must be willing to help others, so they/ can help themselves.
  • So whether or not your holidays are all the way happy, here’s to a holiday season that is healthy in recovery.
  • You must examine yourself to see if you fall into one of these four categories.

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